Review: Vampires Never Get Old by Zoraida Córdova

Rating : ★ ★ ★ ★ Cawpile : 7.00 / 10 Release Date : 25th May 2021 Genre(s) : YA Urban Fantasy Anthology Happy Release Day! Massive thank you to Titan Books and NetGalley for providing me with a free ARC in exchange for an honest review. I just want to start off by saying this anthology was great! It contained some really unique and incredibly diverse vampire stories (a lot of own voices authors also!) which took a fresh perspective on the genre, and was a true delight to read. Each short story is accompanied by a short ‘discussion’ by the editors, briefly talking about an issue related to the story about vampirism (such as mirrors, coffins, bats). Seven Nights For Dying by Tessa Gratton ⭐️⭐️⭐️ This first story follows our main character who is an overweight bisexual teenager looking to be transformed into a vampire. It follows her week long journey of transition, giving her plenty of time to fully think about her decision. There was also trans representat...