Review: Violet City by Page Morgan

Release Date: 5th April 2021
Genre(s): Young Adult, Sci-Fi, Paranormal Romance

Massive thank you to BooksGoSocial and Netgalley for providing me with a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I was initially torn whether to rate this 4 or 5 stars, but since reading this book I haven't been able to stop thinking about it! So I've decided to settle on an unofficial 4.5. Violet City is an alien-invasion sci-fi, which follows Penelope Simmins, your average teenager, and 'Rowan', her alien captor, a Volkranian who eerily resembles a human. The first chapter jumps straight into the action and I was hooked straight away, I binged the entire book in less than 24 hours, because I just needed to know what happened next! It was fast-paced, action-packed and all-round fantastic! 

My favourite thing about this book was definitely the romance, especially the chemistry and tension built between the 2 main characters. I think it happened very naturally (even though they hadn't known each other very long) I think the progression of their character development made it feel like they'd known each other forever. I also loved the tiny bit of spice, which I wasn't expecting as this is classed as YA, but it was a nice surprise.

Also, we need to talk about THE ENDING! I won't go into the nature of the plot, but just know this one hits hard, and I NEED the sequel ASAP Page!! (please say there is one, I'll wish for it for the rest of my living days). My heart feels like it's been ripped to shreds.

The only slight fault (it's not even a fault to be honest) is that at the beginning of the book Penelope does act like your stereotypical dumb teenager and some of the stuff she does made me cringe and think "what are you doing girl?!" However, I do think it accurately reflects how the average person would react when panicking, in contrast to female leads usually shown in YA literature.

I would recommend this book to fans of sci-fi & paranormal romance (or those who are just wanting to try it - I feel like this is a great start!)

If you've read this, let me know what you think in the comments!

Books and bouquets. x
