Review: Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire

Rating: ā˜…
Release Date: 26th May 2011
Genre: New Adult Romance

This review does contain spoilers - take caution reading.

Right ok, where do I start... I picked this book up because one of my favourite youtubers said it was one of her favourite adult romance novels, so I thought I'd give it a try, that was my first mistake. 

This book follows Travis 'Mad Dog' Maddox and Abby aka 'Pigeon' (what kind of nickname is that anyways? He never even justifies it..) and the course of their friendship (if you can call it that) and whirlwind relationship. Travis appears to be this alpha male type character - but ultimately he's just an abuser. 

I'm just going to go ahead and write a list of every single thing wrong with this book, so here goes:
~ It is inherently sexist and misogynistic
~ Travis is the ultimate 'bad' boy (not even in the kinda good way) arsehole stereotype who has serious anger issues. Examples include: Him beating up his friends for simply making comments about Abby and him trashing his entire room when he finds out Abby has left him (to name a few)
~ Travis is obsessive; within a few weeks of 'dating' he gets a tattoo of Abby's name plus "belonging to your beloved and your beloved belonging to you" in Hebrew - how is that not creepy?! Hello Abby, that was your first red flag!
~ Travis is controlling, he makes Abby get changed before going out as her outfit is 'too revealing' - what??
~ Travis lies to his family about their breakup in order to snare Abby and guilt trip her into staying with him/pretending to still be with him
~ Travis takes advantage of Abby whilst drunk
~ Towards the end of the book there's a pretty major fire in one of the basements were Travis competes in underground fights (also is that legal? pretty sure it's not - another flaw of his character) and "sooo many people die" apart from anyone they know
~ In the end they get married (honestly I think it's only a few months after meeting) and suddenly everything is perfect and they have a happily ever after - yeah right. I would have been less shocked if this novel ended with him ending up in jail for battery charges

Overall, I would not recommend reading this book, don't put yourselves through it.

If you've read this, let me know what you think in the comments! (Sorry if I just trashed your favourite book)

Books and bouquets. x

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