Top 10 Tuesday: Places In Books Iā€™d Love to Live

This is my first ever time participating in a TTT (Top Ten Tuesday), so I'm really excited! It's a weekly meme created by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week is Top 10 Places in Books I'd Love to Live!

1. Velaris (A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas)

It's just so magical. It's full of quaint little shops and windy streets and you have a high chance of bumping into the inner circle (Azriel come here!)

2. Hogwarts (Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling)

I've been waiting for my Hogwarts letter to arrive since I was 11... It's nearly been 10 years and I'm still hopeful. I'd get to play quidditch, study charms, potions, transfiguration and so much more! I'd love to hang out in the library, great hall, Gryffindor common room... I think I'll be forever dreaming.

3. Ketterdam (Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo)

It would be such an experience, but to be honest, I'd probably die before I got to fully explore anything.

4. The Capitol (The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins)

I wouldn't want a long stay here, but definitely a holiday or short stay to experience all of the quirky, eccentric fashion statements.

5. Shanghai (These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong)

Maybe not necessarily 1920's Shanghai from this novel, as it's strife with disease and gangs... but modern day Shaghai is on my list!

6. Italian Riveria (Call Me by Your Name by Andre Aciman)

The UK is currently in it's third national lockdown... so being in sunny Italy with a holiday romance sounds fabulous right now. 

7. Saint Petersberg (The Crown's Game by Evelyn Skye)

Magical, snowy Russia - need I say more?

8. Kings Row School (Fence by C. S. Pascat)

I mean this is an all boy's school so it's impossible, but I'd love to learn how to fence!

9. Washington D.C. (Red, White and Royal Blue by Kasey McQuiston)

Hopefully I'd bump into Alex, Henry, June or Nora! This book has such a fantastic set of characters - they are all incredible.

10. Zendar (Zendar by K.T. Munson)

It's a gorgeous Desert setting which is bustling with street sales and has a community feeling (I just think it would be such a wonderful place to live!)

I hope you enjoyed this list, let me know in the comments if you agree or if not, what your top places to live in are!

Books and bouquets. x


  1. We had the same first two šŸ˜‚ You're explanation of Ketterdam made me laugh - I still have yet to read SoC; I need to before the Shadow and Bone adaptation comes to Netflix!!

    1. And in the same order as well, I love that! I read SoC and CK a few weeks ago for that exact reason lol, hope you enjoy - I know I did!!

  2. I really need to read A Court of Thorns and Roses - and can't wait to see what Ketterdam looks like in the Netflix series!

    1. I'm so excited! The way its depicted in the trailer looks exactly how it pictured it, so my expectations are really high!!

  3. Wow, you're brave to go to the Capitol! I think I'd be pretty nervous there, although I'm sure there would be neat things to see. :)

    My post:

    1. Im sure I would be pretty nervous as well - but think its worth it for all the crazy things you'd see! šŸ˜¬

  4. Washington I would go and visit. But the rest I would like to visit from a far. Maybe in a glass spacecraft or something. Would love to see it, but not necessarily step foot on it.

    Elza Reads

    1. Haha I think you make a good point - my chances of survival would definitely be increased!

  5. I totally should have put Hogwarts. I can't believe I didn't! Here's my TTT if you're interested:

    1. No way! Hogwarts was the first place I thought of šŸ˜Š

  6. Velaris was also on my list this week. I'd also love to go to Hogwarts. In terms of real places, I'd like to visit St Petersburg, and Moscow, I've never been to Russia.
    My TTT:

    1. I've never been to Russia either but it just looks so picturesque - all snowy and magical!

  7. These are great picks! Hogwarts made it to mine too! Velaris seems like it would be a great place to live. And Ketterdam would certainly be scary but adventurous!

    My list:

    1. I think Hogwarts made everyones! (nearly lol) thanks for reading <3

  8. Welcome to TTT! It's such a fun event to take part in every week.

    I stuck to real places today, otherwise Hogwarts would have definitely been on my list. It's such a magical place - who could resist?

    Happy TTT!


    1. Ive had so much fun doing it! You've got Scotland so you're half way there šŸ˜‰

  9. Yes to Hogwarts and D.C.! Also, loved Red White and Royal Blue!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. DC is defo an IRL place id love to travel to! Red, white and royal blue was one of my favs last year!!


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